Small Business Articles

How Accounting Insurance Can Protect Your Firm

Helping individuals and businesses manage their money is work that comes with tremendous responsibility and significant risk. For example, one small mistake can be grounds for an expensive lawsuit. Or a simple slip-and-fall accident for a client visiting your office can cause an injury that leaves you liable for the person’s medical bills, lost wages, etc.

How Hotel Insurance Insurance Protects Your Business

A guest slips in your lobby, falls, breaks their arm, and sues you. A storm sends a patio chair through a large window. Someone hacks your computer system and steals customer credit card information. If you own or operate a hotel, you know these are just some of the kinds of incidents that can be very costly for your business—particularly if you don’t have hotel insurance. Hotel insurance is a term that refers to a group of policies that owners likely need.

How pet business insurance protects your company

Whether you do pet sitting, dog walking, pet grooming, or some other form of pet care, you deal with animals that can be unpredictable. They’re also cherished family members, so their owners can be frustrated, angry, and ready to file a lawsuit if anything goes wrong.

Understanding Handyman Insurance

As a handyman, every project you take on is unique and presents different risks. For example, you might do some basic plumbing work that produces a leak that causes damage. The same is true if you do minor roof repairs. And there are many risks associated with remodeling projects.

Food Service Insurance: Financial Protection Your Company Needs

Whether you’re a caterer, food truck operator, meal prep company, or other organization focused on the culinary arts, you need financial protection in case you suffer a loss or get sued. Depending on the type of work you do, you may need one or more of what are referred to collectively as food service insurance policies.