Small Business Articles

What is subrogation in insurance?

If you’re reviewing an insurance policy, see the word “subrogation,” and wonder what it means, you’re not alone. It’s not a term you hear in everyday conversation, so many people aren’t familiar with it. But subrogation in business insurance is a crucial concept that every business owner should understand.

Business insurance and climate change: what you need to know

Climate change has been happening for decades, but the world is feeling its effects more than ever today. That includes businesses—large and small—that are being impacted by storm damage, supply chain disruptions, resource scarcity, and other factors intensified by climate change. To be successful, business owners need to recognize and adapt to this new challenge, including understanding the link between business insurance and climate change.

Understanding the basics of business contracts

Business contracts are an essential part of operating a small company. These agreements are crucial for many reasons, from managing risks to ensuring clarity in business relationships. This article explains what business contracts are and how, along with having adequate business insurance, they can help protect your company. It provides high-level information on this important subject, but you should talk with an attorney about any contract you’re drafting or that you’ve been asked to sign. Contracts are binding legal agreements, so it’s essential to understand the implications before you enter into them. Read on to learn more.

How is an insurance premium calculated?

Business owners know that having insurance is essential. Without it, they have to pay costs associated with property damage, lawsuits, and other incidents out of their company’s revenues or savings. And the unfortunate reality is that a single issue can create an expense that’s thousands of dollars, tens of thousands, or more. Still, they want to keep the cost of their financial protection as low as possible and wonder, “How is an insurance premium calculated?”